Syllabus & Reading Packet

Course Description: 

This course examines the polity of the church from a Brethren and Believers’ Church perspective. It provides an overview of the organizational structure of The Brethren Church at the local, regional, and national levels. Consideration is given to both the doctrine and practice of the ordinances. It will familiarize the student with all the documents used by The Brethren Church to define, govern, and practice its polity at all levels.

Textbooks and Other Materials: The following textbooks are required for the course: 

●      Eberly, William R., ed. The Complete Writings of Alexander Mack. Winona Lake, IN: BMH Books, 1991. | ORDER HERE

●      The Readings Packet which will be available on the course website and broken into 9 sections, with a reference to the mid-point break week, where no reading is expected.

●      All documents referenced in the syllabus, which will be available on the course website.

Supplemental Documents: Download the following PDF's as they will be used throughout all sessions of this course.

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